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Mindless eating may explain your waistline
Posted on Mon, 1 Feb 10

Mindless eating may explain your waistline

We have been supersized. Supermarket large sizes increased 10-fold between 1970 and 2000, in restaurants large portions are 250% larger than regular portions and the size of our plates, bowls and glasses have increased over the years. In fact the average dinner plate has increased by 36% since 1960. Making simple changes to your eating environment is an easy way to reduce portion sizes and your waistline, mindlessly.

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Environmental toxins linked to weight gain
Posted on Sat, 19 Sep 09

Environmental toxins linked to weight gain

Most, if not all, people carry a significant body burden of environmental pollutants including chemicals from plastics and pesticides commonly found in our food (1). In recent years research attention has turned to the discovery that many common pollutants may actually contribute to altered metabolism and weight gain. These pollutants, aptly named environmental obesogens, are known to be present at levels high enough to contribute to weight gain in a large percentage of the general population (2).

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Common food flavouring may trigger weight gain
Posted on Sat, 8 Aug 09

Common food flavouring may trigger weight gain

The popular food flavouring agent monosodium glutamate (MSG) was reported in 1968 to cause a set of symptoms such flushing, tightness of the chest or difficulty in breathing which was labelled as Chinese restaurant syndrome due to the popular use of this flavouring in Chinese food. Since this report however, there has been little evidence of such reactions to MSG, even when people who normally report symptoms are given MSG unknowingly [1-2]. Concerns over the safety of MSG have recently been reignited by a study suggesting MSG may be independently linked to weight gain.

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Entering a virtual world controls emotional eating
Posted on Tue, 28 Jul 09

Entering a virtual world controls emotional eating

Overeating when stressed is strongly linked to weight gain and obesity. Relaxation however may help stop emotional eating in response to stress by improving reactions when under pressure. While traditional relaxation techniques may be useful a study has found that new technologies such as a virtual reality generated Green Valley may help.

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Your unconscious mind is supersizing you
Posted on Mon, 27 Jul 09

Your unconscious mind is supersizing you

Did you know that within a few decades dinner plate size has increased by almost 40%, the availability of larger serving sizes has increased 10-fold and that the volume of serving sizes in restaurants can differ in calories as much as 250%? Portion distortion, the tendency to overeat due to underestimating food serving size, has a strong influence on food intake and has been implicated as a major factor in the rising prevalence of overweight and obesity [1-2].

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Infectobesity: don't catch it
Posted on Fri, 24 Jul 09

Infectobesity: don't catch it

Infectobesity sounds like an unlikely cause of weight gain but increasing evidence suggests that infectious organisms such as viruses and bacteria may contribute to the development of overweight and obesity [1]. Person-to-person contact has been linked to the spread of obesity through social networks [2] and a candidate infectious organism may be closer to you than you think.

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