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Going green: the benefits of green space

As the world becomes increasingly urbanised the importance of maintaining our connection with green spaces such as parks and gardens is becoming appreciated. Green spaces appear to be generally associated with a number of important health benefits but just how they influence our health is not completely understood.

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Vitamin G increases brain size
Posted on Tue, 27 Mar 18

Vitamin G increases brain size

Green space, referred to as vitamin G, has been associated with better mental health. A remarkable new study found that exposure to greenness was positively associated with brain size in school children.

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Walking improves creative thinking
Posted on Wed, 12 Aug 15

Walking improves creative thinking

Give your ideas legs by going for a walk, according to research from Stanford University. Walking in nature is even better, and the effect extends to when you sit down to do creative work shortly after.

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Benefits of Shinrin-yoku, or forest bathing
Posted on Tue, 14 Oct 14

Benefits of Shinrin-yoku, or forest bathing

Walking in a forest is deeply therapeutic, with scientific studies showing that so called forest bathing (Shinrin-yoku in Japanese) can transform your physiology and significantly enhance your mental and physical health.

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Vitamin G stops people dying
Posted on Tue, 15 Jul 14

Vitamin G stops people dying

Living in close proximity to natural environments has potent health benefits, and a new study suggests it can increase survival in people at high-risk for cardiovascular disease.

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Recharge your brain with nature
Posted on Sat, 10 May 14

Recharge your brain with nature

By studying several thousand visits to different natural environments in England researchers have shown that time in nature restores depleted emotional and cognitive health, and the more natural the environment the better.

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Health benefits of nature
Posted on Mon, 28 Oct 13

Health benefits of nature

The health benefits of nature have been well studied with evidence suggesting important health effects. This understanding could have important implications for urban planning and environmental sustainability in a rapidly urbanising world.

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