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High dose B-vitamins relieve work stress
Posted on Wed, 28 Sep 11

High dose B-vitamins relieve work stress

Work stress is a major cause of fatigue, strain and poor health, in fact work stress accounts for more health care claims than any other illness in the USA. A simple daily B vitamin supplement may help you adapt and deal with the pressure.

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Yoga Nidra practice benefits women with menstrual irregularities
Posted on Sun, 18 Sep 11

Yoga Nidra practice benefits women with menstrual irregularities

Yoga Nidra is a type of relaxation practice that involves entering a sleep-like state of blissful awareness. A previous study suggested that Yoga Nidra practice can reduce menstrual pain and a new investigation has found it may reduce anxiety and depression as well.

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Working overtime kills your lifestyle, and your health
Posted on Mon, 11 Apr 11

Working overtime kills your lifestyle, and your health

Working overtime places strain on you, your lifestyle, health and wellbeing. Work-life balance is quite literally that; working overtime may decrease the quality and length of your life.

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The benefits of meditation
Posted on Sun, 27 Feb 11

The benefits of meditation

How would you feel being buried alive for a day? Slightly stressed? A yogi once sat buried underground cross-legged for 62 hours, he was being monitored medically and showed no signs of distress. You too can use meditation to reduce stress and improve your wellbeing.

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Caffeine and your mood: friend or foe?
Posted on Tue, 24 Aug 10

Caffeine and your mood: friend or foe?

Caffeine is the most widely consumed psychoactive drug in the world yet its effects on mood and anxiety are still unclear. Some people claim caffeine improves their mood while others find the opposite. Both are right.

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Lifestyle change is an effective treatment for depression
Posted on Mon, 28 Jun 10

Lifestyle change is an effective treatment for depression

Eating well, regular exercise and stress reduction can treat depression a new study suggests, in fact within 3 months 73% of those with depression were no longer depressed.

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