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Your unconscious mind is supersizing you
Posted on Mon, 27 Jul 09

Your unconscious mind is supersizing you

Did you know that within a few decades dinner plate size has increased by almost 40%, the availability of larger serving sizes has increased 10-fold and that the volume of serving sizes in restaurants can differ in calories as much as 250%? Portion distortion, the tendency to overeat due to underestimating food serving size, has a strong influence on food intake and has been implicated as a major factor in the rising prevalence of overweight and obesity [1-2].

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Infectobesity: don't catch it
Posted on Fri, 24 Jul 09

Infectobesity: don't catch it

Infectobesity sounds like an unlikely cause of weight gain but increasing evidence suggests that infectious organisms such as viruses and bacteria may contribute to the development of overweight and obesity [1]. Person-to-person contact has been linked to the spread of obesity through social networks [2] and a candidate infectious organism may be closer to you than you think.

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Does diet soda pack on the pounds?
Posted on Sat, 18 Jul 09

Does diet soda pack on the pounds?

Diet drinks lead to weight gain, at least that is what the results from a large scale study suggests. Paradoxically an analysis of 6,814 people’s diets discovered that compared to those who never consume diet soda those who do have a much higher risk of a dangerously large waist line [1]. It was also found that diet soda drinkers had a significantly higher risk of poor blood sugar control, a risk factor for diabetes.

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Natural weight loss elixir
Posted on Thu, 9 Jul 09

Natural weight loss elixir

Sticking to water, and drinking it regularly, can promote weight loss and prevent weight gain. The benefits of drinking water may be due to its ability to increase fat metabolism [1] but is more likely due to the fact that water contains no calories. While sources of dietary sugars are generally considered more obvious items such as chocolate, candy, cake, ice cream and sweets the largest single source of added sugars in our diet is by far sweetened drinks which account for 47% of total added sugars [2].

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Is lack of sleep making you fat?
Posted on Sun, 28 Jun 09

Is lack of sleep making you fat?

Lack of adequate, refreshing sleep is emerging as a major risk factor for chronic diseases such as overweight and obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease [1]. Increased appetite and cravings for sweet foods may be one way poor quality sleep increases disease risk. In the January 2009 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition researchers found that restricting peoples sleep time from 8.5 hours to 5.5 hours a night made them hungrier, in particular for sugary snacks [2].

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